Lights Flickering in House? DIY Quick Fix It Guide!

lights flickering in house

Top Reasons For Lights Flickering In Your Home!

Have you noticed lights flickering in your house lately? If so, you’re definitely not alone—this common problem can originate from various sources.

However, that doesn’t mean you should write off your flickering lights, as they can be an early warning sign of some serious issues. In this post, we’ll go through some of the reasons why you might have flickering lights, as well as how to fix those problems.

Key Takeaways

  1. Identify and Address Overloaded Circuits: If lights flicker when high-power appliances are used, your circuit may be overloaded. Consider upgrading your electrical system to handle higher loads.
  2. Secure Loose Bulb Connections: A simple fix for a flickering light bulb could be tightening or correctly seating the bulb to ensure a stable connection.
  3. Inspect for Loose Wiring to Prevent Fire Hazards: Loose or outdated wiring can pose serious fire risks. If flickering persists or worsens, consult a professional electrician for a thorough inspection.
  4. Use Compatible Bulbs for Your Fixtures: Ensure the light bulbs match the requirements of the fixture, especially with dimmers, to prevent flickering.
  5. Consult a Professional for Persistent Issues: If flickering lights are a continuous problem throughout your house, getting a professional diagnosis to address potential electrical system faults is crucial.
Flickering lights in house

Why Are My Lights Flickering or Blinking?

Your lights could be flickering due to a loose connection in that circuit or an overloaded circuit. If lights are flickering throughout your home, you could have a more serious issue with all of your wiring. The wrong bulb type, faulty switches, or voltage changes could also be an issue.

Flickering Lights From an Overloaded Circuit

Flickering Lights From an Overloaded Circuit

Every home is designed to handle a certain level of electrical voltage. However, many homes—especially older ones—cannot support the demands of every appliance in your home at the same time.

Because of this, you might notice flickering or blinking lights when you turn on your air conditioner, washing machine, or other large appliances. Generally, when this happens, it’s not something to worry about.

However, if you notice that the lights in your home continue to flicker or stay off when this happens, it may be a good idea to seek professional electrical services. In the case of sensory overload, you may need a larger electrical supply or a dedicated circuit that can support the extra voltage.

Loose Connection to Light Bulb

loose connection to light bulb

Sometimes, isolated flickering light bulbs can stem from something as simple as a loose connection. Fortunately, when this happens, the fix is usually simple.

Before you attempt to reset the positioning of one of your light bulbs, always turn off the light. If the bulb is part of a light fixture or lamp, unplug it first.

Regardless of whether you use LED bulbs, fluorescent bulbs, or dimmable bulbs, you should always wait for it to cool completely before resetting the loose bulb. Keep in mind that lamps and other light fixtures with plugs can suffer from loose connections, too.

If removing and resetting the light bulb doesn’t fix the issue entirely, make sure you check for bent metal prongs and a loose light plug.

Fire Hazards From Loose Wiring

Fire Hazards From Loose Wiring

According to the NFPA (National Fire Prevention Association), electrical fires were the second most common cause of house fires in the United States between 2012 and 2016. Home electrical fires also caused the most civilian deaths and the most property damage during that timeframe.

As such, outdated, damaged, and loose wiring can be an incredibly dangerous fire hazard in your home. However, it can be hard to identify since the electrical issue may be hidden within your walls. Luckily, the warning signs of these issues can sometimes be easy to spot.

If you’ve noticed your minor flickering from the lights in your home progressing and worsening over time, you may be at risk.

🛑 Call an Expert to Prevent Fire

Unless you have some electrical experience yourself, hiring an expert remains the only effective and safe way to fix your flickering lights from outdated wiring. A professional electrician will search your home for worn connectors, loose service conductors, loose wiring, outdated wiring (such as knob-and-tube), and other electrical system issues.

Unfortunately, you will find this neither an inexpensive nor a simple fix but a necessary one to prevent the possibility of a deadly electrical fire.

📗 Related Reading: Homeowners Guide to Electrical Safety

Wrong Bulb Type

Wrong Bulb Type

The occasional light flicker can sometimes derive from a mismatched bulb and socket. You may see this often on lights with dimmer switches. After all, some light bulbs aren’t designed to work with a dimmer switch.

One of the most common causes of this problem lies with LED light bulbs not designed to work with a dimmer. And while usually not dangerous, the constant flickering can be annoying. Fortunately, when you have flickering lights from the wrong bulb, it’s an easy fix. Just replace the bulb in question with one made for your fixture switch.

Faulty Switch, Breaker, or Socket

faulty light switch

Sometimes, you can’t blame bulbs and wires when the lights start flickering. When light switch failure happens at the switch box, it can sometimes be obvious, especially if it happens when you turn the switch on or off yourself. However, these failures aren’t as noticeable at times.

If you think you have a faulty light switch, a bad wall socket, or an obsolete circuit breaker, call a professional electrician to handle the issue as soon as possible. You can check it yourself with a multimeter though it’s best to call the experts.

Lights flickering in your house from these electrical system problems are often traced back to loose wires and may become a fire hazard. 

The sooner you take care of any loose wiring, the better.

Voltage Changes

Voltage changes on meter

We already mentioned that your air conditioning and other appliances can cause a temporary voltage drop, resulting in flickering lights. Often, you do not need to worry about this issue. Even a well-designed electrical system can experience this on occasion.

However, suppose the lights flicker in your house continuously, unexpectedly, or even after turning the appliances off. In that case, more significant issues with your electrical current may be to blame, such as an overloaded circuit.

Flickering lights from a circuit overload can be an early warning sign of danger.

Lights Flickering in One Room: (Kitchen Lights Flickering or a Flickering Bathroom Light)

If you encounter a standard or LED light blinking or flickering in just one room of your house, there are several potential causes. 

If a new light bulb is flickering, it’s likely that there is a problem with the light bulb. If you want to know how to fix flickering lights in your house, try changing the lightbulb first. If that doesn’t work, it’s indicative that there may be a loose wire, connection, or other problem.  

At this point, it’s advisable to bring in an electrician who knows how to fix a flickering bathroom light. 

Light Flickers When Turned On

If the light flickers when you turn it on, It’s likely a relatively minor problem. Consider what causes lights to flicker. It may be that the lightbulb is loose in its socket, resulting in an inconsistent current. It may also be that it’s the wrong kind of lightbulb for the fixture.

Multiple Lights Flickering in House? Call an Expert

Circuit Breaker Inspection

Are you still affected by flickering lights in your home? If the LED lights are still flickering in your house, the electricity is flickering on and off, or the lights are dimming in the house regularly, it’s time to call for help.

First, you need to call a professional to diagnose your electrical problem.

What happens next can vary depending on the cause. Sometimes, the problem might originate outside your home at the main service cable connection or meter box. However, it can also develop inside your home with your main electrical panel or wiring.

If your home’s wiring is to blame, you may need to add a circuit or breaker box that can handle higher electrical loads.

If the fluctuating electrical current comes from the high-capacity wires or service connection outside your home, it may be your electrical company’s responsibility. Again, an expert electrician can help you track down which area is to blame.

Need Some Help?

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This article has illuminated the various reasons behind flickering lights in your home, from overloaded circuits and loose connections to the intricacies of choosing the right bulb type and addressing potential fire hazards. By offering straightforward solutions, we aim to empower homeowners to tackle these issues confidently, ensuring a safer and more stable electrical environment.

Phyxter Home Services brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, guiding you through the complexities of home electrical systems. Our dedicated team is committed to providing high-quality information and services. For further insights into electrical safety and efficiency, we encourage you to explore our collection of articles.

Should you require professional advice or services, Phyxter is here to help. With offices in the North and Central Okanagan region, we’re readily available to address your electrical concerns, offering exceptional service at competitive prices. Trust in Phyxter Electrical Services for all your home electrical needs.

📗 Related Reading: Top 10 Common Home Electrical Problems and Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do My Lights Flicker at Certain Times?

If you have power flickering in your house at specific times, this is known as a power sag. The causes are manifold, including upstream strain on the electrical grid, an electrical train passing by, or some kind of electrical interference caused by waveforms produced by electrical systems on the grid.

Why Do My Lights Flicker Every Night at the Same Time?

This is due to a power sag that may be the result of an electric train, sudden strain on the system, or another form of excessive load.

Why Do My Lights Flicker When I Turn Something On?

If you have a power flicker in your house when you turn something on, it might be the result of an electrical overload. At the same time, it may be the result of an issue with your electrical system as a whole. Either way, this kind of problem can be dangerous, and you need to contact an electrician.  

Why Do My Lights Flicker When the Washer Runs?

If the lights are flickering when a single appliance is running, then there are several possible causes. If you want to know how to fix lights that are flickering when the AC turns on, check the following:
1. Is the appliance on the same circuit as the flickering lights? If so, the appliance is probably drawing too much power, causing the lights to flicker.
2. Is there a loose neutral causing the lights to flicker?
3. Is your light circuit above your washer breaker? Heavy-drawing appliances can pull harder when further from the source, resulting in the flickering.

Is a Flickering Light Bulb Dangerous, and Can It Cause a Fire?

Are flickering lights dangerous? Yes, a flickering light bulb can be dangerous, not because of the flickering itself, but because it usually presages a more concerning problem. 
Can flickering lights cause a fire? It’s certainly possible. While house lights flickering may not lead to a fire, lights flickering in the house randomly are definitely a cause for concern. For instance, a loose wire can lead to flickering and can easily start a fire or electrical short.

Logan Mullin

Born and raised in Fairbanks, Alaska. Logan is the Electrical Manager and Master Electrician for Vernon Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Services based in the North Okanagan Valley.

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