2024 Homeowners Guide to a Furnace Tune Up

What Does a Furnace Tune Up Cost

What is a Furnace Tune Up?

A furnace tune-up is a maintenance service performed on a furnace to ensure it’s operating at its peak efficiency and performance. This service typically involves cleaning the furnace, inspecting and adjusting various parts, and performing any necessary repairs.

A furnace tune-up can help extend the furnace’s life, improve its performance and efficiency, and reduce the risk of breakdowns and costly repairs. It is recommended to have a furnace tune-up performed annually to keep the furnace in good working condition.

People tend to compare appliances to cars when they hear about the cost of maintaining major home appliances like the water heater, air conditioning, and furnaces.

But, of course, you’ve heard it before—you wouldn’t drive too far without a regular tune-up—but you’ve driven your car for years without a problem. The truth is appliances and cars both need regular maintenance, but owners sometimes put maintenance off due to the cost.

They don’t cost as much as you’d imagine.

Furnace Tune Up Checklist

furnace leak detection

Tune-ups on cars include a bunch of new parts like spark plugs and spark plug cables.

Furnace tune-ups don’t always include parts; scheduling them regularly may mean you rarely need new parts.

Most residential homes are heated by electricity, fuel oil or a natural gas furnace, so some items listed below may differ. 

Here are a few things that a furnace tune-up might include:

🔧 Change out your furnace filter

dirty filter makes the rest of your furnace work harder than it needs to.

This is an essential step in reducing wasted energy and wear and tear on mechanical parts. 

🔧 Fire up your furnace

Starting your furnace allows your tech to check out the furnace for basic operation.

This is to ensure your blower motor starts, your burners ignite, and the whole unit sounds like it should.

🔧 Inspect the exhaust flue for a tight connection

Before restarting your furnace for the season, your HVAC technician should check that the exhaust flue is not leaking combustion gases such as carbon monoxide and is being redirected out of your home.

🔧 Clean the interior of your furnace

This includes vacuuming dust and debris and cleaning the burners, pilot light assembly, or hot surface ignitor.

Your tech should also clean the blower motor and cage. 

The ignitor should be checked and cleaned with sandpaper to remove carbon buildup and ensure proper performance. 

🔧 Test the gas ignitor

Over time, hot surface ignitors tend to wear out.

As this happens, less electrical charge gets through it to light the flame.

Eventually, it will stop working, so it’s best to check it. 

🔧 Adjust the pilot light

If your furnace has a pilot light, your technician will adjust it to ensure the optimal height for the burners. 

🔧 Adjust the burners

The furnace burners are where all the magic happens, so they need to be checked to be running at optimal efficiency. 

🔧 Check and adjust gas pressure and air mix

Checking these ensures that your burners are burning cleanly and maximizes safety with regard to indoor air quality.

🔧 Check all electrical components

There are a bunch of electrical parts to check here.

Safety switches, electronic ignition thermostat contacts, and limit control switches, to name a few.

These all have an impact on the efficient running of your furnace.

🔧 Maintenance of the blower assembly

The motor should be checked and lubricated. The blower speed may need to be adjusted to optimize the airflow. The wheel should also be inspected and cleaned.

🔧 Clean the indoor coil

If your furnace housing contains an AC evaporator coil, this will also need to be inspected for leaks and cleaned.

Check out this AC guide for more information.

🔧 Inspect the heat exchanger

Your furnace works by forcing air over the heat exchanger and dispersing it throughout your home via ductwork.

A cracked heat exchanger typically means a furnace replacement. 

After your HVAC technician completes the tune-up, you should receive a written assessment with your receipt.

The evaluation analyzes what the technician found during the tune-up, recommendations for repairs, and their proposal for future maintenance.

What Are The Signs of a Furnace Going Out?

Yellow Furnace Burner Flame

There are several signs that may indicate that a furnace is going out or experiencing issues that need to be addressed.

Some common signs of a failing furnace include:

  1. Increasing energy bills: If your energy bills are rising without a corresponding increase in usage, it may be a sign that your furnace is not operating efficiently and is using more energy to heat your home.
  2. Inadequate heating: If your furnace cannot adequately heat your home, or if certain areas of your home are not getting enough heat, it may be a sign that the furnace is failing or not working properly.
  3. Noises: Furnaces can make various noises when functioning properly, but loud or unusual noises can indicate a problem with the furnace.
  4. Yellow flames: A properly functioning furnace should have blue flames. If the flames are yellow, it may indicate that the furnace is not burning fuel properly and maybe a safety hazard.
  5. Frequent cycling: If your furnace is turning on and off more frequently than usual, it may be a sign that it is not operating efficiently and may be failing.

Overall, if you notice any of these signs with your furnace, it is recommended to have it inspected and serviced by a professional technician to address any potential issues and ensure that it is operating safely and efficiently.

Furnace tune-ups can catch minor issues before they evolve into major furnace repairs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Furnace Repair

🔥 How Often Do I Need A Furnace Tune Up?

It is recommended to have a furnace tune-up performed annually to keep the furnace in good working condition and ensure that it is operating at its peak efficiency and performance.

Routine HVAC maintenance can help extend the furnace’s life, improve its performance, and reduce the risk of breakdowns which can end up as costly repairs.

Some manufacturers may recommend more frequent tune-ups depending on the specific model and usage of the furnace. It is always best to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for furnace maintenance.

🔥 What Does a Furnace Tune Up Cost?

Now you’re convinced that you need regular HVAC system maintenance, including a tune-up, you’re naturally wondering how much it costs.

The good news about tune-ups is they’re not a significant drain on your wallet.

Depending on where you live, your furnace type, and the HVAC company you engage, you’ll pay between $150-$250.

The average cost of a repair is around $300. A brand-new furnace replacement will set you back between $3000 and $5000.

It sounds like a tune-up is an excellent idea, no?

🔥 How Long Does A Furnace Tune Up Take?

The length of time a furnace tune-up takes will vary depending on the type of furnace installed in your home and the extent of the maintenance needed.

Generally, a furnace tune-up can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours.

The HVAC technician will need to inspect and clean various parts of the furnace, adjust any components as needed, and perform any necessary repairs.

It is best to discuss the specific needs of your furnace with the technician and schedule a time that is convenient for both parties.

🔥 Is a Furnace Tune Up Worth It?

A furnace tune-up is worth it because it can help extend the life of the furnace, improve its performance and efficiency, and reduce the risk of breakdowns and associated repairs which can be costly.

Regular maintenance is essential to keep a furnace in good working condition and ensure that it is operating at its peak performance.

A furnace tune-up can also help identify potential issues with the furnace before they become major problems, which can save money on costly repairs in the long run.

Overall, a furnace tune-up is a worthwhile investment for maintaining the health and efficiency of the furnace.

Can I Do Furnace Maintenance Myself?

While it is possible to perform some furnace maintenance tasks yourself, having a professional technician perform a furnace tune-up is recommended to ensure that it is done properly and safely.

Furnace maintenance can involve complex and potentially dangerous tasks, such as cleaning and adjusting burners and inspecting and tightening electrical connections.

A professional technician has the knowledge, skills, and tools to perform these tasks safely and effectively.

Attempting to perform furnace maintenance on your own could result in injury or damage to the furnace.

It is always best to leave furnace maintenance to a trained and experienced professional.

Need to Schedule a Heating and Cooling Service?

Ductless mini split multizone AC Installation

Even though winter is already blowing through the country, it’s not too late to schedule a furnace service.

You’ll feel more comfortable and safer and may even see a lower heating bill this year.

Phyxter Home Services connects homeowners and businesses to the industry’s best Contractors and HVAC techs.

With access to a network of five-star-rated contractors, state-of-the-art equipment, and the ability to service all brands, our goal is to exceed our customers’ expectations at every turn for all types of heating systems.

Contact Phyxter Home Services when you need an HVAC professional to restore your home’s furnace.

Check out our page on Furnace Services for more information or a free estimate in your service area.

Make the most of your money and get the right professional advice the first time.

Jake Gibson

Jake Gibson is a force to be reckoned with in the HVAC industry. As the CEO of Phyxter, he has made it his mission to revolutionize how contractors work. With a background in HVAC, entrepreneurship, and technology, Jake brings innovation and expertise to this traditional industry.

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