HVAC DIY Tips & Tricks

Best Location For Your Outdoor Air Conditioner

stay comfortable with phyxter home services

- By Russell Jones

Upgrade your outdoor air conditioning capabilities!  Discover the BEST LOCATION for optimum cooling with our comprehensive guide. #cooling #beatheat #airconditioning

Where Should It Be Located?

One of the first fundamental questions when installing a new AC is where to install the outdoor unit. Proper condenser unit placement can save you a ton of money and effort!

Where Not To Put it!

It shouldn't be anywhere affected by water runoff or exposed to direct sunlight all day long. Don't forget the last place your AC was might also be wrong. So check!

Location, Location, Location!

The list is longer than we can put in here,  so click learn more and check out our recommendations on correct AC placement. 

Where's the Best Location?

Your AC should be installed on the east or north side of your home so that your home itself can shade the unit from the sun during the hottest part of the day.

What Else?

Your chosen location must also have good airflow to facilitate the refrigeration cycle. So not too close to walls or vegetation either.  The same applies to heat pumps.

Hit Swipe Up! to read the complete guide about correct AC placment and manage your comfort like an Expert!