PLUMBING Tips & Tricks

Why Does My Shower Drain Smell?

Stay Comfortable with Phyxter Home Services

- By russell jones

There's nothing more disappointing than anticipating a relaxing hot shower, only to be greeted by a repulsive odor coming from your shower drain. However, what exactly is the culprit behind this foul smell resembling that of a sewer?

A Clogged Drain

A clogged drain is the number one reason for a smelly shower drain. Everything that washes off your body ends up down that shower drain.

How to Clean a Smelly Shower Drain

There are a few different ways to clean out a shower drain. Hit learn more below to check out our quick fix it guide!


Do not mix cleaning products. Even mixing vinegar with chlorine-based bleach can produce toxic gas. Using chemical? follow the instructions!

Dry or Dirty P-Trap

A p trap is the u shaped pipe that you see under your sinks. If you have an unpleasant smell coming from your shower drain, it’s most likely a dry p trap.

Biofilm Buildup

Biofilm is that slimy layer of bacterial waste that accumulates in your shower drain over time. This builds up over time in your drain.

Leaking Pipes

A leaking drain line can be a serious problem that causes a sewage smell to emanate from your home’s plumbing system.  

Got a FAQ?

Check out our frequently asked questions about smelly shower drains to learn more about your shower and how to keep it clean!

When to Call a Plumber

If all else fails, call your local plumber! Many of these problems are easily fixed by your average homeowner but if you get stuck... Call a Plumber!

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