HVAC DIY Tips & Tricks

Essential Strategies to Improve Indoor Air Quality

stay comfortable with phyxter home services

- By Russell Jones

Improve your home's indoor air quality (IAQ) with the right strategies. Control humidity, reduce clutter, and increase ventilation for a healthier, more comfortable environment in your home.

Top Strategies

Elimination is the most effective strategy. Eliminating the source is the best way to improve IAQ. If you can’t eliminate it, substitution is your next best strategy.

Air Filtration

For a complete HVAC renovation, consider a whole-home air filtration system. These include options like dehumidifiers, humidifiers, air purifiers, ventilation systems, and home automation.


Filters are essential for IAQ, as they reduce pollutants and contaminants that can negatively affect health. Properly maintained filters help to reduce allergens and improve ventilation.

Controlling Humidity

High humidity can lead to mold and dust mite growth, while low humidity can lead to respiratory issues. Maintaining proper humidity levels helps create a healthier environment 

Be a Minimalist

Fewer items in the home make cleaning easier, ensuring the air is fresh and free from pollutants. A minimalist lifestyle can also help reduce stress levels

Buy Healthy Furniture

Buying non-toxic furniture is critical for good IAQ. Chemicals like formaldehyde can be harmful to your health. Making the switch to non-toxic furniture can reduce toxins.

Using Paint or Polish

Paint can contain harmful chemicals like volatile organic compounds that can lead to headaches, respiratory issues, and other health problems. 

Removing Combustion Sources

Combustion products like fine particulate matter and carbon monoxide can accumulate indoors and cause serious health issues.

Indoor Plants

Plants absorb carbon dioxide and other VOCs and release oxygen into the air. Adding houseplants can also reduce airborne dust, produce moisture, and increase humidity in dry climates.

Cleaning Carpets

Carpets, rugs and upholstery act like filters, trapping dust, pollen, pet dander, and other contaminants that can accumulate in the air.

Using Cleaning Products

Many common household cleaners contain harsh chemicals, which can contribute to poor IAQ. It's best to opt for natural, plant-based cleaning products whenever possible.

Air Fresheners

While they may provide a pleasant scent, it's important that the products you use are natural and non-toxic. Many commercial air fresheners contain VOCs which can be harmful.

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