HVAC DIY Tips & Tricks

What Is a Ductless Air Conditioner?

stay comfortable with phyxter home services

- By Russell Jones

Stay cool and informed with our latest blog post on ductless air conditioners - learn everything you need to know, from installation to energy efficiency, in one easy-to-read article!

What Is a Ductless Air Conditioner?

This system includes an outdoor unit containing a compressor and a condenser unit that compresses refrigerant for the cooling cycle

What Is a Ductless Air Conditioner?

The indoor unit contains an evaporator to suck up the heat in your home and a blower fan to circulate the air.

What Are the Benefits?

Ductless AC systems offer several benefits over traditional central air systems. They are more energy efficient and are more flexible in terms of installation

Easy Installation for Older Homes

Most homes before the 1970s were not built with integrated central systems because they were not standard back then. So do not have any ductwork.

Highly Customizable Options

Ductless mini splits are available in an impressive range of power options that make nearly any typical residential living space more comfortable.

Higher Energy Efficiency

A ductless system can be more energy efficient than ducted central air systems. Because ducted AC systems are not zoned, they can suffer from energy loss as high as 25%.

More Allergy-Friendly

Because ductless systems are zoned, they have the fortunate capability of not spreading allergens and other unwanted particles throughout your home

Sizing Considerations

A mini-split system can be sized to accommodate spaces of less than 400 sq. ft. and up to about 1,500 sq. ft.

Other HVAC Considerations

The most significant drawback is the high initial cost of equipment compared to a typical central air conditioning ducted system.

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